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Building With Nature

Hempcrete is the building material of the future.

Hempcrete is our building material of choice because it’s incredibly resilient, non-toxic, and has sustainable properties.

Hempcrete is a bio-composite material that contains a mixture of hemp hurds, which are the insulative, inner-core of the industrial hemp plant, and lime. Like other plant products, hemp absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it grows, retaining the carbon and releasing the oxygen. Hemp has been used as a building material since Roman times and can be used for insulation, walls, flooring, roofing and more. It has the potential to revolutionize sustainable architecture.

Advantages of building with Hempcrete

It’s a rapidly renewable resource with no need for pesticides as it grows

Since it comes from a fast-growing plant, Hempcrete is a much more environmentally sustainable material.

As it grows, it breathes in 4x more CO2

It breathes in four times more CO2 than trees do. Not only that, but Hempcrete buildings are carbon-negative over time—the lime in the walls continues to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and the lime in the walls continues to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and the building's occupants.

Incredible energy efficiency

It's breathable while being air-tight, and continuously regulates and balances the indoor humidity/moisture. It offers both superior insulation and thermal mass performance, resulting in significantly reduced energy costs.

Strong, lightweight, and breathable

Lime hemp walls naturally regulate humidity levels in dwellings, absorb moisture from the air in times of high relative humidity, and release it when humidity drops. And perhaps best of all, when the internal humidity falls within the range of 40-60%, fungi and bacteria have no chance to survive. All of this can be achieved with a minimal ventilation system.

It’s naturally resistant to bugs, fire, mould, and more

It’s resistant to pests, mould, bacteria, and even fire. This feature, along with its vapor-permeability and hygroscopic nature, means that it allows for healthy living environments. During flame-resistance tests, Hempcrete gets a perfect score: under “Flamespread” and “Smoke Developed” indices, hempcrete scored “0,” the highest possible rating on a scale of 0 to 450.

Negative net carbon emissions

It’s a “Better-Than-Zero- Carbon” material. Hempcrete sequesters 110-130kg of CO2 per cubic meter, which is in addition to the recarbonation of 64 kg of CO2 that’s originally released in the production of the lime. It will reduce your energy bills, carbon footprint, and the overall impact of your built environment.

Additional resources for learning more about Hempcrete:

The Harmless Home

Just BioFiber

Bringing It Home Movie on Vimeo

Building with Hemp

Small Home made from Hemp